Associate Spotlight: EMT Tyler Hall

March 28, 2023 | Category: News
Position: EMT
Nickname: T-hall or Ty
Hometown: Whitehall
Number of years working this position: Almost 3 years but I have been at Cetronia for close to 7 years.
Hobbies: Hanging out with friends, video games, and getting to relax when not at work.
Favorite Food: Pizza and Seafood
Pets: One cat named Milo
Who is your hero?
My parents. Seeing how much they had to sacrifice and work to give me a better life is something I will always appreciate.
What drew you to this profession?
I’ve always felt like I’m an okay people person so getting to be there for people in what could be some of the worst moments of their life to try and comfort them makes me feel helpful and good about what I do. Also I have bills to pay which everyone at Cetronia will know I have said multiple times!
What is your favorite part of the job?
Getting to help and comfort people in their time of need and getting to talk and joke around with co-workers who I consider friends.
What advice would you give someone aspiring to be in your job position?
You can be as book smart as you want to be but a surprising amount of the job is based on how you interact with people. If you can’t afford to be kind and patient then this job is probably not for you.
What are some fun facts about you?
I love dum-dum lollipops, my favorite colors are white and pink, and I love everything related to space! In fact almost all of my 15 tattoos are space related!