Cetronia and LVHN team up for First Mobile Stroke Unit in PA

March 29, 2019 | Category: News
Cetronia Ambulance Corps is taking its performance promise of Health On Wheels to a new level through an alliance with Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN) enabling faster, high-level emergency stroke response delivered to victims at the point of care.
Saving time in stroke response is critical to preserving the victim’s brain function. Maximizing those precious minutes is the driving reason behind Pennsylvania’s first Mobile Stroke Unit (MSU), operated jointly by LVHN and Cetronia. This specially-equipped ambulance will bring state-of-the-science diagnostic equipment, stroke treatments and a specially educated clinical crew right to the patient, allowing care to begin immediately while transporting them to a stroke-certified facility.
“Mobile stroke care could improve intervention time by up to 20 to 30 minutes, which could have a significant impact on the outcome for the patient,” said neurologist Yevgenly Isayev, MD, Director of the Comprehensive Stroke Center at LVH-Cedar Crest.
The MSU is stationed at Cetronia headquarters in South Whitehall Township. The crew–comprised of LVHN clinical staff, and Cetronia EMTs and Paramedics–is available for deployment 24/7.
“Excellence, teamwork and innovative response can make a significant difference in improving the health of stroke victims throughout our community,” said Larry Wiersch, CEO of Cetronia. “We are proud to partner with those who share these same values.”

Pennsylvania’s FIRST Mobile Stroke Unit is operated jointly by LVHN and Cetronia Ambulance Corps. Even before the victim arrives at the hospital, the team can start on high-level diagnostics with onboard Computed Tomography Imaging (CTI), appropriate medical treatment and communication with hospital-based neurologists via video and telehealth technology.