COVID-19 message from Cetronia Ambulance Corps CEO

March 21, 2020 | Category: News
Dear Lehigh Valley Community and beyond,
We are sure that you are concerned by the current situation we are facing as a nation. We want to once again assure you that Cetronia Ambulance Corps remains ready and are continuously adjusting to this unprecedented health emergency.
Being in Emergency Medical Services has always had its challenges, but we promise you that we will do everything in our power to keep you safe. Serving on the front lines means that you are as prepared as you can humanly be. You’ve been given the training to deal with tough situations and you are ready, willing, and able to do whatever is needed to get the job done.
Be assured that the EMS personnel at Cetronia Ambulance Corps are just that. They are ready, willing, and able to deal with the #COVID-19 pandemic at hand and any other type of emergency for that matter.
Understand that our EMS crews deal with infectious disease on a daily basis. It could be pneumonia, flu, Tuberculosis, MRSA, or any myriad of issues that they may have come in contact with, but the difference is that they are trained to handle these types of situations. They don’t “sweat” under pressure. They remain calm, cool and collected. It’s instilled in them from day 1 of training.
Cetronia Ambulance Corps has been in business since 1955. We have many procedures in place to keep our associates and the community safe. We hold daily huddles to discuss and handle any issues that may arise. We talk regularly about ways to improve our systems and have even created some new social distancing policies and protective measures for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to abide by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in reference to this outbreak.
We make it our job to keep you safe. We are now asking you to help us so that our crews can make it home to their loved ones each day by doing some very simple things. We ask you to please abide by the following as we navigate the relatively unknown waters that lie ahead:
- Stay home unless it is an absolute emergency to go out.
- Social distance yourself from others if you must go out. Recommended distance is 6’ away from individuals.
- Sneeze or cough into your elbow to prevent the spread of droplets.
- If you are sick, stay home.
- Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. That’s the time it takes to sing the Happy Birthday song twice.
- If you need to call 9-1-1, please be sure to be honest with the operator and inform them if you have traveled anywhere and exactly what your symptoms are so that you can help protect our crews.
- If you are actively coughing or sneezing and have symptoms of a flu like illness, please wear a mask (if you have one) to protect our providers and please never sneeze or cough in their face.
- If you receive notice that you are COVID-19 positive and have no serious symptoms, please call your doctor, not 9-1-1 first. By doing so you may save room for someone who truly needs the time and attention of the emergency room.
Our crews are required to come to work, unless they are sick. It is just part of the job of being a First Responder and we feel like we have the best in the country. They can work long hours without breaks. Catching a couple minutes to eat, sleep, or even use the bathroom can be challenging in these types of situations. What being a First Responder doesn’t mean is that they don’t want to go home to their families each day or night.
So, we beg you to please abide by the guidelines that are put in place by the CDC and governing bodies. We promise to have your back, if you promise to have ours.
Be well,
Larry Wiersch, CEO