Meeting Baby Lincoln

May 31, 2023 | Category: News
On the morning of April 17, 2023, our crews were dispatched for a pregnancy call and within six minutes delivered a baby boy named Lincoln. Both mother and baby were healthy and transported to the hospital afterwards.
On Wednesday, May 24th, 2023, Cetronia Ambulance Corps had a stork pinning ceremony for the crew that delivered baby Lincoln in April. The administration team and the crew had the chance to meet and reunite with the parents, grandparents, and of course baby Lincoln. Not only did the two crews who assisted with the birth of baby Lincoln receive a Cetronia stork pin, but they were also the first to receive the new Lehigh Valley Health Network stork pins. We would like to congratulate the crew of Ken D’Encarnacao, Kristopher Yoder, Alyson Wilder, Carly O’Malley and Evan Marrone on this special moment.
Dear Community Member,
Imagine being in Melissa’s situation. Of course, no one plans to be in any kind of emergency situation, yet this is what our crews face over 16,000 times per year. They walk into what may be the worst day of your life with care and compassion and a willingness to assist.
It’s stories like this and so many others where lives have been saved right here in this community by Cetronia Ambulance Corps. This could not happen without YOUR support! Your contributions help to keep our equipment up-to-date, and ambulances staffed and rolling.
Simply put, we need your support to help keep our ambulances rolling so that we can save more lives.

Left: Lehigh Valley Health Network Stork Pin Right: Cetronia Ambulance Corps Stork Pin

Left to Right: Kristopher Yoder, Ken D’Encarnacao, Carly O’Malley