National Nonprofit Day 2021

August 17, 2021 | Category: News
Today, August 17, 2021, is #NationalNonprofitDay. Did you know that Cetronia Ambulance Corps is a nonprofit organization? What we really want you to know is that we are so much more than an emergency response organization. A little background on what we do …
We transport patients home after surgeries.
We take wheelchair dependent individuals to doctor appointments.
We transport dialysis and chemotherapy patients so they can safely have treatments.
We provide lift assists for those that have fallen and need a hand getting up.
We will take you home for the holidays or even just outside to take in some fresh air if you are bedridden or wheelchair bound.
We educate the community on CPR, basic first aid, and even teenagers on how to be savvy babysitters.
We help ease kid’s fears about ambulance rides and the procedures on calling 911.
We have continuing education programs for healthcare providers.
We help train seeing eye dogs.
We offer blood pressure screenings for company health fairs.
We provide coverage at special events in the region to keep spectators and participants protected.
We support our local fire companies with rehab services during emergency situations.
We head into scenes on bicycles with our own bike team.
We have a strike team and provide tactical EMS services in dangerous scenarios.
We will hold your hand and keep you at ease during what may be the worst day of your life with our compassionate care-giving skills.
Our mission is to be the leader in emergency medical service, transportation, and community health resources. THIS is who we are and so much more. THIS IS CETRONIA!
Please take this time to support your favorite nonprofit including our lifesaving organization, today!