Scouting For Food Drop-off Location

November 7, 2022 | Category: News
Cetronia Ambulance Corps is once again a designated drop-off location for the Minsi Trails Council’s Scouting For Food drive.
Fill a bag … feed the hungry! Donations are being accepted 24-hours a day at our main joint operating facility located at 4300 Broadway, Allentown, Pa. When arriving, please pull up to the flagpole and ring the doorbell to the right of the door for admittance to our lobby area to drop your goods in the boxes provided. Donations will be accepted through November 16, 2022.
Items accepted:
Non-perishable food only. No glass jars or expired foods please. Canned foods, baby formula, dry goods, and paper products.
All donations help local food banks. Have questions? Please contact us at 610-398-0239 x525.